Category: seascapes

18 Sep

Summer Vacation?

Remember school days when you’d be asked how you spent your summer vacation? Well, here’s the Cliff Notes version of how I spent my summer, by way of explaining the long delay between blog posts.  Happy hours on the deck overlooking the water and laughing at the shenanigans at the boat launch. Hosting book groups, […]

27 Sep

Not a Nub

A very amusing column about jargon appeared in the Economist recently and introduced me to the concept of a “nub.” This acronym for non-useful body is apparently employed by submariners to describe a ride-along person who takes up space, air and food while performing no useful function. In other words, not a member of the […]

31 Jul

Truth Through Lies

You’ll be relieved to know this post isn’t about politics, current events, liars, or anything criminal. Instead, it was inspired by a quote from Albert Camus. He said “fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.” My immediate thought was that his statement applies to painting, too. Think about it. A painting is […]

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