Tag: New York

09 Feb

Dystopia vs. New York

Frighteningly enough, the name that keeps coming to mind for me lately is Margaret Atwood. Her Handmaiden’s Tale and similar novels about not-to-distant, very scary futures have been running through my head, try as I might to ignore our dysfunctional and divisive politics. The notion that behavior for which we’d send a five-year-old to his […]

22 Feb

Really Seeing NYC

Turns out travel doesn’t have to be international to inspire me to paint. This lesson apparently had to be relearned from the last time we spent a month in New York City, pre-pandemic. That resulted in a series of cityscapes, from Radio City to the Village. This time, we rented an apartment for January and […]

13 Mar

Making Lemonade

Our recent bout with COVID had me realizing how lucky we are to rarely get sick, to have flexibility in our work, and to have healthy food readily available. I am grateful for the vaccines that made our cases relatively mild and for the masks that prevented my unknowingly infecting others. I’m especially thankful for […]

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