Tag: cafe

16 Jan

Holiday Hunger

People often complain about overeating during the holiday season, but a couple of recent articles shed some light. According to Psychology Today there are four types of hunger, at least two of which feed into this phenomenon. The Economist expands that notion with an article about the new field of nutritional psychiatry. It seems physical […]

01 Mar

Wishing for Warm?

On the muggiest August days I remind myself to enjoy it, because we'll soon have February's cold. Now it's time for vice-versa – winter has its pleasures, too. There's sipping Scotch or a warming Malbec in front of the fire, and enjoying a novel when snowy roads mean no guilt about missing events. Not to mention making stew, […]

29 Oct

Au Revoir, France!

Fresh inspiration struck this month during a wonderful visit to France! I'm now reviewing literally hundreds of photos to determine where to begin a new series of paintings. It will be a tough call because we covered a lot of territory. Starting in Paris – my favorite place in the world! – a trip to L'Orangerie reminded […]

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