Tag: energy

01 Jul

Laughing Relieves Stress

My talented friend Beth Gibbs is a retired nonprofit and broadcast executive, turned author and yoga instructor. A recent post she wrote reminded me about the health value of laughter. Given the craziness and stress we are all dealing with this year, it seemed worth sharing some of those tidbits. The Mayo clinic lists several […]

24 Apr


Many people believe that “right-brained” folks are more intuitive and creative, and “left-brained” are more analytic (they could probably fix my cut-off image here!) and logical. For years I bought into that, and proudly claimed to be both. Turns out everybody is. Both brain hemispheres are involved in language and perception, with different specialties like […]

28 Feb

Deadlines Work Wonders

For two months, I’d been thinking about a painting of Mont St. Michel. Our visit there last fall was inspiring. And funny, and challenging, but that comes later. First came the monumental presence out in the bay, the threatening skies, the deceptive marshes surrounding and protecting it from those foolish enough to attempt the crossing. […]

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