Tag: painting

04 Jan

Pleasures of Produce

This isn't a New Year's resolution about eating better, but take it that way if you prefer. My “produce aisle” paintings are very popular – fruits, veggies, wine bottles, etc. They’re often purchased in multiples for collectors’ kitchens or bathrooms. This doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I find it flattering that people want to see my […]

20 Nov

Road to Roussillon

The medieval hill town of Roussillon, in Provence, was known as a major production center for ochre, a pigment used in paints, dyes and pastels. Of course I was thrilled to visit a factory museum there to learn about – and see the old equipment used for – the production of pastels. What I didn't […]

08 Sep

Painting Challenges in Portugal

First of all, Portugal actually makes Rome look flat. Once I understood that, the challenges became clear for a dedicated walker who wants to photograph and paint the spectacular views. Famously built on seven hills, Rome is filled with staircases and winding streets. Its relatively gradual inclines are nothing compared to Portugal's hills, which rise almost straight up. Portuguese […]

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