16 Dec

A Room of One’s Own

Air travel offers hideous food, ache-inducing seats, bad air directed at your head, and people who don't cover their mouths for sneezes and coughs. We braved it all for wonderful Thanksgiving visits in CA, returning with airplane-caught colds just as the holiday season kicked into gear. Missing a few events to spare friends, I finally attended a holiday luncheon with some fascinating, accomplished women. […]

20 Nov

Road to Roussillon

The medieval hill town of Roussillon, in Provence, was known as a major production center for ochre, a pigment used in paints, dyes and pastels. Of course I was thrilled to visit a factory museum there to learn about – and see the old equipment used for – the production of pastels. What I didn't […]

29 Oct

Au Revoir, France!

Fresh inspiration struck this month during a wonderful visit to France! I'm now reviewing literally hundreds of photos to determine where to begin a new series of paintings. It will be a tough call because we covered a lot of territory. Starting in Paris – my favorite place in the world! – a trip to L'Orangerie reminded […]

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